Sunday, March 15, 2015

Human Rights

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all,

Actually this is my first time on making and writing on a blog.This is the reason why I named my first blog as "For The First Time".So,please treat me well, hihi =).

As I am taking a "Hak Asasi Manusia" class at my university so I had given a task to make a blog and comment about an article and a song that related to the human's right.From my previous lecture, I was taught about the definition of human's right in different perspective such as the definition from a view of sociologist,Rhoda E. Howard stated that human right are a right that one holds merely by virtue of human being which mean that all human beings hold all human right equally except for those limited conditions such as criminal conviction.The definition from a point of view from a former president of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy and also known as a father of human right law,Louis Henkin stated that the idea of human right is a political idea with a moral foundation that defines the relationship that should exist between  the individual and society.

While the definition from Thomas Buergenthal, a specialist in international law and human rights law said that human rights by reference to law which governs human rights.This is some of what the professional thinks about humans right.So what are your opinion about the actual definition of the humans right ? The study about humans right was very wider and the meaning itself may leads to different people point of view. 

Well from my understanding, every living things in this earth have their own right even animals,plants and especially humans.This is because there are too many right in an individual itself that always being resurrected such as a right as parents, husband, wife, students, employees, president, rape victims and even the cleaners also have their own rights. Furthermore, a right is not that someone gives it to you,its what no one cannot take it from you because all human beings are born free and was entitled to equal rights. Nowadays, a tons of newly demanded rights that appeared such as LGBT issues, religious rights, Purdah-wearing rights for Islamic woman, naked rights for woman and more.In my opinion, sometimes this claimed rights are not make sense such as LGBT issues and naked right for woman. Its true that each individual have their own rights but those rights are opposite to humans nature.Lastly, humans right for all, no exceptions !!!!!

Every human has their own right especially on making decision about their future.

This picture showing that genrally we already achieve the freedom but the truth is we are not achieve our own right. 

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